News on the Mission Front: The Kendawangan people (Asia-Pacific region)have been waiting and asking why the missionaries were there
but never really understood when the missionaries told them that they had ‘a message from God’ to give them. The missionary team has learned the language and studied the culture and now has begun teaching chronologically from the book of Genesis. Finally the Kendawangans are hearing about their Creator. Were all those years of hard work worth it? As this dear people hear the stories taught from God’s Word and they compare His love to their animistic beliefs, we are sure that many Kendawangan will come to know Him. Please pray for the missionaries and the Kendawangan.
Please pray with us that God will soften hearts of the Kendawangan and that they will trust in the Creator God. Pray too for the missionary team, Tim and Andrea Ullum, Paul and Irene Pries, and Phil and Shelly Svoboda.
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