Finally after almost 6 straight days of wind and rain the cyclone is beginning to let up. Today the wind reduced its velocity and rain has turned to intermittent sprinkling. Things are much calmer. Walking around we saw more of the damage caused by this storm; trees down, houses reduced to a pile of bricks or sticks, gardens uprooted, yards littered with debris. There doesn’t appear to be any injuries in this area. We did hear that that in another village from hear someone died when their house collapsed on them.
According to the internet Cyclone Funso was a category one hurricane that sat just off the coast from us for several days. Now it has moved further offshore and has strengthened to a category 4. We thank God that it was a small storm when it was in our area and that it mostly stayed out to sea. What we experienced was just the edge of the storm. Had it hit us full on we would have seen much worse destruction. Thank you for praying.