During the last outreach in our partner’s village, a lady from a village 2 hours’ drive away, happened to be in the area and came by to hear. She was so excited about what she heard that she went back to her village telling them all about the Word of God that was being taught. Soon, a delegation came to our partners and asked for someone to come and share this news with them. Our partner, Francois, took a group of believers out to visit this village and the requests for being taught were reiterated. But, who would go?
Soon after, a young man who had been teaching literacy, came to Francois and Nadia and told them that He felt God calling Him to go and teach literacy there. He wasn’t sure how he and his wife and two small children were going to be able to financially do this, but he believed God would have him go.
So, just a few months ago, with the support of the believers back home, he and his family made the move and began living among this other village. They started teaching literacy but soon people began coming asking to hear the teaching of the Word of God. So, he has begun teaching through the Word 2 days a week and doing literacy 3 days a week. Many are coming and many are understanding!
Pray for Abar and his family as they live and minister there. Pray for these people that the eyes of their understanding will be opened and that many will come to know the Lord as Savior.