Thanks for your prayers for my partnership trip in October. I was able to visit three churches and connect with individuals in the area. Praise the Lord for safe travels and great hosts. Most of my time was spent in Indiana, and it was neat to have my dad as the main speaker at the missions conference there!
Two New Videos
Another praise is I have been able to focus a lot of time on video. We recently finished two videos. One is called 8 Minutes, shot by a freelance videographer in Papua New Guinea this summer. It is about the aviation program, and we just finished the Spanish version as well. A second completed video is about New Tribes’ Missionary Training Center in Missouri (where I was born!). Dale (a local photographer we work with) did the photos and interviews, and we also worked with a local composer on the music. It’s nice to see this released!
Dinangat Feature Video
We have two more video projects nearly complete. We got the final music last week for a video about the Dinangat people group, who started evangelistic Bible teaching when I moved here to Florida almost five years ago. That was a fun project to work on, which corresponds to the feature article in our February NTM@work magazine. This video is a bit of an overview, with a challenge to train.
Christmas was a refreshing time as my uncle, aunt and two cousins came to visit us. We went to the beach on Christmas Day and visited Earl of Sandwich another day. Yum. January brought the flu and my 31st birthday celebrated with friends!
God at work
Praise for work that is being done. Ben and Missy Hatton are completing house-building in a new village, the new believers among the Siar in Papua New Guinea are studying Acts, and the Siawi church is about to receive a final New Testament and have missionaries phase out. It’s all about building the church and seeing people come to maturity in Christ!
Prayer Requests:
1. Pray that I will have a clear vision and focus for what the Lord has for me in 2013.
2. Completion of another aviation video (final editing and music scoring)
3. Praise – since the fall two people have taken over most of the Website work I’d been doing.
4. Laborers – Pray that God will send laborers to the 2500 people groups waiting to hear.
Thank you for your support and prayers as together, we reach into the darkness with the light of the Gospel. It’s truly a team effort.
By His grace,
Regina Sullivan
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