Video is on a roll, now that Stephen Narwold is developing the website. The projects are rolling in faster than I can count… Youtube Trailer, Mobilizing, Interface, Each Stick Had A Name remake, Colombia videos for NTM@work, six videos for the Global Forum in November, Portraits of NTM.
We’ll be filming a Christmas Card video in August, and are planning to add a personalized ending for the NTMers using their photo. So I’m counting this as 100… Then we got an idea to have 52 social media videos. We’ll see how that goes!
We’re also in the process of digitizing 100,000 feet of film from our 8mm and 16mm archive in anticipation of NTM’s 75th Anniversary coming up! The “…and counting” includes ideas for videos about Africa, translation consultants, as well as documentary interviews of residents at the NTM Homes for our library. I lost count by this point! Please pray for focus and wisdom as we create these videos and dive in to researching, editing, reviewing, and exporting.
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