Can it possibly be? I was thinking about what to write this month and it occurred to me that this could be close to the 250th report we’ve sent out since beginning our ministry with NTM. Some of you…folks we have met along the way in places like FL, MI, PA, MO, ID, CA, IN, OH, SC, WI, Paraguay, Papua New Guinea and now NM…some of you have read most of them :>). We thank God for each and every one of you and the encouragement you have been over the years.
For the past 20 years we have had the privilege of being a part of and reporting what God has been doing in many places of the world. Locally, news about God working in the hearts of students as they studied His Word full time; then moving them to many ministries around the world. Globally, we have visited many of our graduates and joined together in praying for many of them working in hard areas.
We’ve seen seeming tragedies that brought missionaries home from the field and halted the work going on in some tribes temporarily. We’ve heard first hand of the joy experienced when a tribal group hears the Gospel for the first time and a church is born. In all kinds of situations, we stand amazed at the things God does through ordinary people like you and us to get the Gospel to those in need and produce fruit for eternity.
Recently we received word that the teaching was scheduled to begin in a people group where friends of ours have been preparing for years. Here is a portion of Rob’s heartfelt email:
The new date was Sunday, March 27th, Easter. What a great date to start telling people about the Savior of the World! We met that evening for a time of prayer and worship to focus our hearts completely on the Lord. 7:00 PM arrived, then 7:15, then 7:30 which was when we actually expected people to start coming. 7:45, 8:00, no one showed! As a team, we sat down to think about what to do next. I know you feel the disappointment of that hour as keenly as we did. We concluded that we had truly followed the Lord’s leading in preparing for this day.
Truly we do feel the disappointment and pray that they will remain strong in the midst of some pretty discouraging days. We know they will be seeking the Lord and His wisdom about how to proceed. Would you also pray for Rob and Dawn, Greg and Tina, and Amanda as they seek to make Christ known in SE Asia?
Rob’s report made me wonder…as I am getting the word out in the ABQ area…how many will go? So far, I am not aware of any that are planning on it (a few perhaps considering going…PRAY). What if no one goes? What if only one goes? Is that ok? Our hearts ache for the people groups asking for missionaries. I’m anxious to speak to everyone I can about the needs around the world and the training NTM offers to prepare folks to go and learn a language, learn a culture, plant a church, disciple believers and translate the Scriptures. We want to see many get involved. What if no one responds? Am I a failure? God knows I don’t want to fail in this stewardship.
So in thinking all this through, God reminded me of a couple of things:
1 Cor 4.2…”Moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.” Rex…just do what you know to be the will of God. Tell as many as you can.
Matt 9.38…”Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Rex…Pray…and leave the results up to Him. This is and always has been His work and He will raise up laborers in His timing.
This is hard to accept for a results-minded guy like me. But it does bring about a sense of relief and helps me to be focused on just what responsibility I have in the midst of the work God has me doing out here in the middle of NM. I’m grateful for the Spirit of God who ministers to us in the midst of questions. And very thankful He continues to give opportunities to talk with many. Thank you for praying for us as we trust God for direction and open doors.
Here is what the rest of April looks like:
April 13…the second missions club at Victory Christian School.
April 14-16… ABQ Home School convention
April 18…Chapel at Noah Webster College.
April 21-24…2 missions conferences, speaking twice on the 24th at Faith Bible Church.
April 28…first missions club at Rio Grand Enrichment Studies (home school group).
When not preparing for meetings like the above, my days are spent meeting with and scheduling appointments with Pastors and others, looking for more opportunities to share about missions to UPG’s, Perspectives, one on one discipleship, and a Bible study.
Shirley is enjoying more interaction with customers as spring is in full bloom here and everyone needs lots of gardening and other supplies. Watching her welcome, talk with and serve folks is a real treat. She is trusting the Lord to be used of Him as a testimony to those she works with. Phil 2.14-15
Again, thank you for praying for us and for laborers from and fruit in the ABQ area.
Gratefully yours in Christ,
Rex and Shirley
Phil 1.3,6
Giving thanks for you at every remembrance!
Please let us know how we can pray for you.
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