NTM Founder, Paul Fleming, in Malaya.
God Plus Nothing
World War II had not yet begun, but the threat of it was already being felt. And in the Malayan jungle a different kind of war was waging, and a tall, young missionary was rapidly becoming a casualty.
For three years, Paul Fleming had fought an onslaught of malaria attacks. His once strong body was weakened by the fevers, his strength slowly fading away, and it looked as though he were beaten.
Through this, Paul wrote, “God showed me that He didn’t need my strong back or my weak mind, but what He needed was a channel through which He could work.”
It was a life-changer for Paul.
God didn’t need his strengths. He didn’t need his abilities. He just wanted him to be available to be used in whatever way best fitted His purposes, for His glory.
“God plus nothing.” That become Paul’s motto.
(The above are excerpts from a book I’m working on for the early history of NTM.)
Founding of NTM
God did use Paul Fleming for His purposes and for His glory.
In the spring of 1942, when New Tribes Mission began, Paul Fleming was one of the founders.
Paul wrote, “It seemed that the Lord had pushed us into something, and we were confident that no man started New Tribes Mission. The Lord brought it into existence in spite of us. … We were a group of young men with nothing but faith.”
And now, 75 Years Later…
This year as we celebrate NTM’s 75th Anniversary, we count it a privilege to have been a conduit through which God could work. We rejoice that 75 years later:
- NTM has over 3,000 missionaries from 45 countries working among 259 people groups;
- 1,200 churches have been planted, and 640 of those churches have elders;
- 79 New Testaments have been translated; and
- 110 translations are in progress.
Would you rejoice with me? I’m rejoicing at what God has done and is doing in missions around the world, but I’m also rejoicing because you’re a part of all this through your partnership in the ministry.
Thank you for partnering with me so that together we can see God’s vision of a thriving church for every people come to fruition.