Please be praying. After some initial tests it seems Karis is in need of immediate care; her O2 saturation is to low and they need to do a procedure or operation of some kind tomorrow.
They will do a diagnostic test by putting a catheter down from her neck into the SVC artery. They will then come up her femoral artery and take a look at the blockage from the other side. If there is a little blood getting through the blockage they will try to open it with a balloon. If it is totally blocked they may use a needle but this is a very risky procedure as it could puncture the artery etc. and may not even be possible if the blockage is too thick.
If the blockage is too thick and they can’t open the artery it seems they would then have to do open heart surgery again to correct the blockage. This is the info we have to date; we know that things may change as they do more tests so we will keep you updated.
We hadn’t expected to hear all of this and we are floored; I guess we should have learned to be ready for anything by now. Please be praying for us to rely on our Savior and cast all our cares and concerns upon him. Faith to believe in Gods promises is a fierce battle, but one worth fighting.
Please plead with our God as we are that He will again be gracious and deliver Karis through all of this.
Pray for Annika as she is at the hospital alone right now and is having to listen to all of the risks and possibilities involved. Pray that we can get up there quickly tomorrow and for safe travels.
Karis should go in first thing in the morning at around 8-9am and it should last 4hrs unless surgery is needed.
Please remember Nya and Noah, they are very aware of all that’s going on and it’s really affecting them this time around; as it is all of us.
Our hope is in Christ,
Simon and Annika