We drove a really long way this year to be a part of the Taft family Thanksgiving traditions. I’ve been doing the same thing for thanksgiving all my life, and at different stages I fealt different things about the event, but this year, I was so thankful. Which was appropriate I guess.
On Friday night I was in the Vitt’s kitchen talking to my mom as she finished the classic Friday night lasagna. Other family members were watching home alone three in the family room and people were in and out the back door, waiting for the runners in the annual Luminarie race to go by. This year my husband ran. He took third in his age group, but that’s a story in itself. Anyways, as I was standing there I realized how much nothing had changed. Since last thanksgiving I have had two apartments, a few full time jobs, got married and moved across the country. My life has been anything but normal, but on Lasagna night at the Vitts the normalcy surrounded me, and I loved it.
Over the weekend I spent time catching up with relatives and as I did another thought hit me, I relate to these people a lot more than I thought. It made me sad that I see them once a year. I could really use some newlywed wife advice from Naomi or Natalie, I’d like be able to hear more of Grandma’s story and Liz and I are both on the road to being in full time missionary work. That’s a pretty big thing to have in common. I could probably learn a thing or two about photography from Andrew and I really enjoyed talking music with Uncle Bill. Rebekah and Susanna are well into being teenagers now, I remeber being that old, so I know we’d have pleanty of things to talk about….
I am thankful for the short time I did have with my family, and I pray we’ll be back in West Liberty next year.
Lorelei says
I’m glad you guys had a nice Thanksgiving. Happy holidays.