We just received this very encouraging email the other day from a subscriber named “Amalia” and wanted to share it with you:
“I want to thank you for going to the effort of translating the weekly prayer bulletin and sending it all those who wish to receive it.
“I want you to know that these bulletins are a huge encouragement to me every time I read them. My family and I work in a tribe in Perú, and many times in the midst of the trials of missionary life in the jungle, the bulletin has brought me encouragement and comfort.
“Often God uses the bulletin to renew our motivation to continue working on learning the tribal language, and it also gives me ideas about how to continue in the ministry.
“I want to thank you for this, and pray that God will greatly bless your lives!”
Although Amalia is not with NTM, she is a Latin American missionary who is being blessed by our “Boletín de Oración.” This is a free weekday email that our Spanish Language Resources team puts out, with news and prayer needs regarding NTM’s church-planting efforts among tribal people around the world. It’s translated from the English-language Daily Bulletin (to which you can subscribe by clicking here).
People from many Latin American countries subscribe. Our Latin American coworkers encourage their supporting friends and churches to sign up for it, as do the representatives and mobilizers who speak in national churches and at missions conferences.
I must confess that sometimes we wonder just what effect our work might be having. We can’t put a tracker on it to see where it goes, who uses it and with what results, so when we get some encouraging feedback like this, it really boosts our motivation.
Besides providing tools for Spanish-speaking cross-cultural church planters, we’re also doing what we can to help build the missions movement among doctrinally-sound Latin American evangelical churches, supplying resources like the Boletín and missions videos dubbed in Spanish.
Thank you for partnering with us to make this happen! Praise God with us as we see results from our joint effort to spread the Good News.
In Christ,
Steve & Eida Irwin
New Tribes Mission
Spanish Language Resources
Voice & Text: 408-515-1721
Mail: 1732 Night Hawk Dr., El Paso TX 79912
[Note: The title photo is not of or from Amalia. This was taken of a women’s Bible Study in a tribal setting, led by two Latin American missionary ladies, who were once our students.]
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