Thalia is a Christian young lady from Perú. Like millions of twenty-somethings around the world, she enjoys surfing the internet, either at home or in an internet café with her friends.
Since the Lord was stirring her heart about missions, she did some searches and came across NTM.ORG. When she clicked on the Spanish language option, it took her to the website (which is maintained by our team).
After learning about our vision for planting churches among unreached tribal people and our training program for cross-cultural church-planters, she decided to leave a note on the Contact page expressing interest in the training.
Her note was forwarded to “Hans,” our mobilization representative in Colombia, and he let her know that she didn’t have to go to the States for training, she could be trained in Colombia. He also kept her informed by email of events at the training center and opportunities to participate in visits to tribal ministries.
About a year and a half later, Thalía enrolled in the Instituto Misionero in Fusagasugá (aka “Fusa”). She’s already in her second year of Bible Studies! God willing, she’ll enter the Cross-Cultural Missions phase of training next year.
Hans has recently made the long trip to visit her home church in central Perú, with the hope of fanning that spark of interest in missions into a flame of commitment that will motivate them as a congregation to be Thalía’s sending church, once she’s ready for a tribal assignment.
I’m pretty sure that Thalía is in the photo above, but, to be honest, I couldn’t point her out! Nonetheless, I’m certain each person in that photo has a very interesting story to tell. It’s quite an international group — there are 2 other single ladies from Perú, one from Bolivia, two couples and a single guy from Panama, one couple and two single guys from Mexico, and quite a few Colombians.
Last week, our Spanish Language Resources team had our annual meetings at the NTM USA home offices in Sanford, Florida. Duff came from Atlanta, Jim from Wisconsin and I from El Paso and we thanked the Lord for the work He’d accomplished through us in the previous year and looked forward to the tasks ahead.
One of the big projects on the horizon is the Spanish version of our new literacy software, which will save our missionary church planters literally years of time (yes, I really mean “literally”!) and greatly improve the quality of their literacy primers.
As you can see, our SLR team’s efforts benefit a broad range of the aspects of NTM’s work to share the Good News with the unreached — from mobilizing and training to equipping the teams working in tribal villages.
Without your partnership, we couldn’t do this. Not everyone has the vision to see the value of praying and giving like you do. We thank God for touching your hearts and encouraging you to continue to stand with us.
Your teammates,
Steve & Eida Irwin
New Tribes Mission
Spanish Language Resources
Voice & Text: 408-515-1721
Mail: 1732 Night Hawk Dr., El Paso TX 79912
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