Since I was out in Tanzania for the PGA training, I decided to spend a week with a good friend from Houghton College and her husband – Maria and Eric. For those of you know Tanzania, they were interning at Neema Crafts. Staying with them, I was near Masumbo, where I had spent the semester in 2008! We even got to go back and visit the campus one afternoon. The pictures here are ones that all of you who have been on Houghton’s Tanzania program will recognize.
Besides visiting Houghton’s campus, I also got to spend time around town. I enjoyed being a tourist, spending time with friends, and brushing up on my Swahili. It was fun that even though at the beginning of the week my Swahili was next to nothing, by the end I could carry on basic conversations again. It’s encouraging that it’s easier to re-learn a language than to learn it from scratch. Hooray!