Recently I was talking to a friend here who is a German teacher. It was exam time, so she was talking about having to spend a lot of time grading. “The problem is the class size,” she said, since she only has 3 classes. “If they were just a little smaller it would help.” Her class sizes? 133, 100 some, and 90 some. I graciously replied that if they were as few as 50 in a class that would be much better and she agreed.
On another day, I was talking with another friend about her moto (generic term for motorcycle, motor scooter, moped, etc.). She said that the transmission was going and she might have to replace it, but didn’t have the money. “Oh, that’s a costly repair!” I said. “Yes it is. It’s $4,” was her reply.
On Thursday, I was helping with Compassion International at our church, like normal. It was “chilly” in the morning (it felt great – probably in the low 80s is my guess), so one of the kids came wearing a coat. A winter coat. Like one you’d see in Wisconsin to go skiing for the day. All zipped up. And he kept it on until we took it off him at about noon, when it was likely somewhere in the upper 90s and humid. He didn’t complain about the heat, though – we just decided he might have gotten warm enough to have his parka taken off. And yes, his clothes were a bit sweaty underneath, but not nearly as bad as I would have imagined!
I guess it’s all a matter of perspective.
Sunshine says
It is a matter of perspective. Last week our Wisconsin mailman delivered our mail in a short sleeve shirt…it was 40 degrees. While in Florida last month winter coats, scarfs & gloves were seen on the streets…it was 40 degrees!