Happy Thanksgiving! Since today is Thanksgiving, I wanted this update to take the form of a few of the many things I’ve been thankful for lately. Here you go –
1. I am thankful that there is peace here in My Country. There has been unrest in parts of West Africa lately, so I’m grateful for peace!
2. I am thankful for the chances that I’ve had to “get away” and relax lately – a day at the pool and two days with a friend in a nearby city, where we got to go to the pool and climb on the rocks. Sometimes a break from the stresses are very nice.
3. I’ve been working on a country-wide assessment in another country in my People Group Assessment work. I was hoping to be able to write today that I finished it, but I didn’t. But I’m thankful that I’m almost done and should be able to finish next week.
4. I’m thankful for all of you praying for me, supporting me, and in so many other ways being part of what God’s doing here. I have been reminded again lately of the spiritual struggle that is so real here (and everywhere), and how important it is that I am covered in prayer. So thankful for you!
5. I’m thankful for the chance that I got to eat turkey and other yummy Thanksgiving foods with the American missionary community here. Well, those are just a few of the things I’m thankful for. What are you thankful for?