We drive to church in the mission’s “Big Red”.

You can see a picture of us on our way to church by 4-wheel drive, on our NTM blog where we post a new picture each month (see our web address at the bottom.) The churches here in Haiti may read from a French Bible, but the preaching is done in the language of the people: Creole. Since Creole was developed as a language by freed slaves from West Africa during the colonization of Haiti by the French, there are certain similarities to the French language which help me follow along in the Creole services. But there are also significant differences that are not always obvious, like I found out when working on the bi-lingual Bible lessons for 2nd grade. When my Creole translators first transliterated the French word that I had used for when the angel “moved” the tomb stone for Christ’s resurrection, I found out during the lesson checking that they used a Creole word that is also used for “making do”. But there is a Haitian proverb that says that “making do is not a sin” – meaning that even sin is not wrong if you need to do it. So we chose a different word in both French and Creole for “rolling away” the stone.
A new missionary couple joined the Baptist Haiti Mission early this month to help on maintenance. Neil has already started working full steam ahead on getting our apartment finished, and he will work on renovating his own apartment next. We praise the Lord for this answer to prayer. Thanks for having prayed with us about this. We covet your continued prayers as we prepare for an evaluation trip to some of the 330 BHM schools here in central and northern Haiti in early June. The 1st grade teachers have started using our Bible curriculum this school year, and we need to get their feedback to help us keep improving the curriculum for each of the succeeding grades.
PRAISE GOD with us:
– For Neil & Rosemary who have joined BHM, and for their help in working to finish our apartment renovations this month.
– For many Haitian Master’s Program students who are purchasing the French “Building on Firm Foundations” church-planting series.
– For the good proof-reader in French and Creole who is helping me get the 2nd Grade Bible curriculum ready for the printer.
PRAY with us:
– For needed funds to print the teacher’s Manuals, 12,000 students’ workbooks, and to buy a Creole Bible for each of the 330 BHM 2nd grade teachers.
– For good contacts we need to help us evaluate and keep developing the on-going Bible curriculum for each of the elementary grades.
– For safety as we travel around Haiti (city roads are very over-crowded, and roads to many schools takes a 4-wheel drive vehicle to get in.)
Together for the school children of Haiti,
Theo & Martha Enns
Unit 2019-BHM, 3170 Airmans Drive, Ft. Pierce, FL 34946
New Tribes Mission of Canada; Box 707; Durham, ON N0G 1RO; CANADA – http://canada.ntm.org
New Tribes Mission, Inc.; 1000 E. First St.; Sanford, FL 32771; USA.
Our personal e-mail: theo_enns@ntm.org
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