Revising in May-June 2021
We have been waiting to complete some long-term translation projects for French-speaking West Africa. (There are 20 countries that use French as an official language). Recently, we received a request for a more accessible, downloadable version of the French 3-volume set of “Building on Firm Foundations”. I had edited and translated this set in 2005, […]

French in October 2020
The 14 men in the photo are all church leaders from the Loron people group in northeastern Côte d’Ivoire. They were having a church development workshop, led by Norbert who traveled to one of their villages to teach this seminar last month. This was a follow-up session for these local church teachers who no longer […]

No trips in March 2020
The Coronavirus has affected many international travelers. And while we had not planned any trip this month, we have been praying about whether a trip to Haiti could happen by the last week of July. I would still love to be able to teach a 2-week pastors’ training course down there. This teaching material starts […]
Martha and I are presently assigned as itinerant missionaries to West Africa. The mission there is registered with its French name “Vision Intégrale” (meaning a comprehensive or all-encompassing vision). Martha and I participate in two overlapping ministries for the West African region. Both of these ministries can be done from our office-at-home in Alabama. We are helping the Africa e1 team (e1 stands for the 1st phase of missionary training, called: equipping). In Africa, this means helping believers from the local churches who want to be trained and equipped so that they can participate in cross-cultural and heart-language outreach to other ethnic groups that do not yet have a thriving, maturing church. Our ministry also involves translating other resource material into French for these missionary candidates in Africa.