The 14 men in the photo are all church leaders from the Loron people group in northeastern Côte d’Ivoire. They were having a church development workshop, led by Norbert who traveled to one of their villages to teach this seminar last month. This was a follow-up session for these local church teachers who no longer have a resident missionary working among them. This session was helping them learn to develop their own systematic Bible teaching, now that they have been taught the essential truths of the Word of God.
Norbert, now one of our mission leaders for Vision Intégrale, is an Ivorian who we had the privilege of helping disciple when he was still single, back in the late 1980s. The Irish missionaries to the Loron are still working itinerantly, in order to finish translating the Bible into their mother-tongue. They are also still developing literacy material for the Loron people, so that these church leaders and others can help their people group become literate in both their own language and in French (the official language of Côte d’Ivoire).
Join us in prayer:
– as I translate training material into French, which missionaries and local church leaders will in turn use for teaching people in one of the many different languages spoken in West Africa.
– as travel into Africa, and even into many remote locations from within Africa, is so restricted for many of our missionaries, due to the global pandemic precautions.
Praise the Lord with us:
– for our own health and strength to press on from here in Alabama, serving those in Africa (and caring for my mom in our home).
– for African church leaders who are pressing on with church development, even when missionaries haven’t been able to be present. (It is the Lord Jesus who is building His church!)
We are thankful for you who pray for us and support us.
Gladly in His service,
Theo & Martha Enns, Vision Intégrale/Ethnos Canada
60 Briarwood Lane, Rainsville, AL 35986
ph.: 256-717-5675 / 256-717-5533
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