Greetings from the Tropical Desert,
We’re well into dry season which has turned the bright green jungle into a drab dusty brown. Dry season corresponds with the start of rice planting. Most traditional farmers in this area still use a slash and burn method of planting. This burning of the forest, along with larger plantations also burning, generates a lot of wild fires and smoke pollution. The air pollution index is now getting into the dangerous numbers. Flights are being canceled and for those in the towns where its worse right now, surgical masks are recommended whenever leaving your house. Here in the jungle we have smoke cover but not into the dangerous numbers yet.
Unfortunately, our water supply is quite low. Most of the year we rely on rain water, and supplement water from our well. Without the rain our well has not been able to supply enough water for all the people who use it. After asking around, the Lord connected us with a man who carries water from a small river and using a small pickup delivered it to our house. So, we have water for another week or so.
We are praying for rain and would appreciate your prayers for relief from the smoke and drought. We are needing it desperately to clear the air, provide more water, and help the newly planted rice to start growing before it dies. Thank you!
As we have mentioned in previous updates, we are in countdown mode as we have just 2 more weeks in our jungle home before we move out to town. We will be in town for about a month as we have several ministry opportunities, training believers in different village areas. Then on November 13 we head to the STATES!!! Woohoo!
We’ve enjoyed this 3-year term, but now we’re good and ready to connect with family and friends, including many of you! We’ve started talking through our plans and preparations with the kids and they’re quite excited about snow in Michigan for Christmas! Even Titus who was only 3 months old when we left the States, tells stories about playing in the snow at Nana and Papa’s. He has memorized his sisters’ stories and thinks he was there too!
We plan to be in Michigan from Thanksgiving through the New Year and then hope to spend 8-9 months in Florida. We’re looking forward to having time with many of you!
We celebrated Tim’s 43rd birthday today and are so thankful for him. Every year, every day is certainly a gift from the Lord above!
Tim continues to create Bible lessons in the tribal language. Right now, he is working through the book of Thessalonians. He’s also prepping the book of James for the teaching he will do up in Malaysia in October and November.
Weekly teaching is going well. One of the believers, Muning in our outreach village, has been very sick the last few weeks with seizures and fainting. We were able to get him out to a hospital for some treatment for a few days, but prognosis is uncertain as he has a tumor in his lung. Thanks for your prayers for him!
I’ve been trying to work through the list of people I want to visit with in the village before we leave for this next year. So many people we’ve come to love and care for over the years! So many have not responded to the Gospel. It truly breaks our heart. Our confidence remains in God and now His work through His people in this place.
We want to give a sincere thanks for your support and prayers throughout this term of ministry. We’ve had many ups and downs, have gained much insight into and are thankful for all the Lord has done!!!
Tim and Andrea Ullum says
Hi Leslie,
Thanks so much for the offer to host us for a get together. I will be in contact as we get moved into our house and start planning meeting times, later in January. Thanks again for your thoughts!!!
Wendy Graves says
Hey, dear ones,
i have been praying lots for rain. i had forgotten about the smoke, but of course that is dangerous for so many – another spurring on to pray. Thank you for letting us know about Muning too.
loved that Titus put himself in the snow stories and that soon, Lord willing, he will have snow to play in. I am sure you are ready for a break and pray it will be recuperative and refreshing and that God leads you to just the right people for whatever needs you or the kids might be experiencing.
See you soon! love, wendy
Leslie Jones says
I seriously cannot believe it has been three years. I would love to host you at my home for a get together with old friends and new.
Erica says
Praying for rain in your last weeks out there. So looking forward to seeing all of you very soon. Be safe! Kisses
Love u guys
Charlotte says
We cannot wait to see you all! Praying for you and all the kids during this time of transition and trusting Him for safety in your travels. January can’t get here quick enough! 🙂