So, we’ve been researching new fields of service. Like we’ve said before, the closed door to Cambodia is not a closed door to going overseas altogether. Now begins the process of deciding the “where” followed shortly after by the “when.”
We’ve had a lot of positive feedback to our current situation (being basically field-less). Everyone has been understanding and have offered their words of encouragement and prayers.
Where do we go from here? First, regarding our philosophy of choosing a new field, we believe God has given us the Great Commission and left the choice for where exactly to serve up to us. We’ll head in a direction and if he doesn’t want us to go there, he’ll close the door. (Not to say we’re not praying and seeking wise counsel) Maybe that sounds too simple, but is there such a thing as the wrong field? We don’t think so.
So, through dialogue with our home church pastor, we have narrowed down our choices by deciding to stick with a traditional field within our organization. This has limited the search down to about fifteen countries. Then, we both decided that we were still interested in Asia, which has further narrowed the search to four countries.
So what are the top four choices? In alphabetical order: Papua New Guinea, Philippines or Thailand.
I can’t really tell you too much by way of a final decision, but I can say that at least one of the choices we have considered more than others. We’re still praying & researching though.
Until next time…
Mark Sawinski says
You two will be a blessing wherever God directs you. We will continue to pray for His direction as you move forward for His glory.