Family time has been precious to us during our home assignment. We were privileged to spend three weeks with Walter’s family in southern Africa in October. We saw a lot of wildlife out in the open, spent a lot of time in vehicles traveling, and saw where Walter’s brother, Mark, and his wife, Deb live and experienced their lives as well as enjoyed doing things together as a family.

When we returned to Kansas, we found a major leak in our house. The damage is quite extensive and we realized it was more than we could handle on our own. We contacted our home insurance and a contractor to do the work. It has been a long wait, for all parties to communicate to each other and reports made. We are hoping that the job will be finished by the time our children come for Christmas. In the meantime, we are thankful for my parents who have made their home available for our family to sleep, eat and hang out.
We also have been able to visit two churches and a few supporters after our return from Africa. One was a new church for their missions conference and we made a trip to Wisconsin. These times were refreshing. Plus we enjoy serving at our home church in Rose Hill, Kansas, helping out in AWANA and teaching children’s church.
We have enjoyed some special family time with our kids. We have made several trips to Kansas City,

visiting our kids in various activities and just enjoying each other’s company. Our grandson, Cooper has melted our hearts. For Thanksgiving, we enjoyed visiting with Ben & Jessica and their kids as well as Abby and Ashley, and Ashley’s friend. Of course, our grandchildren, Lucas and Chloe have also melted our hearts. This was our first time to see one year old, Chloe, and 3 year old Lucas was 2 months old last time we held him.
On December 15, we will celebrate the wedding of Juliana to Devin Freitas, adding yet another member to our family. We have enjoyed getting to know Devin and are confident in God’s leading in their lives. We are also looking forward to all the family getting together at our house for Christmas.
We appreciate your continued prayers for us, especially that our house repairs will be completed in time for our family Christmas and for Juliana’s wedding and all the details of the ceremony as well as their future together.
Continue to pray for wisdom as we contact individuals and churches, making travel plans for 2019. Pray that we will be used of God, challenging and encouraging people.
Lastly pray for our monthly support as we are currently at 65%. Funds are rather tight with housing expenses, dental expenses, and others. But God has faithfully provided for us for the past 30 years and we are confident that He will continue.
Thank you for praying for us! Merry Christmas!
Trusting we will see many of you in 2019,
Cheryl for the Spicers
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