There are very few things that any of us do in life that are done alone. God wired us to work together. From the beginning, Genesis 2:18 “It’s not good that the man should be alone” One of my favorite is in 1 Corinthians 12 Where Paul elaborates on how we all have different gifts and abilities, yet we are all parts of the same body, and we all serve the same Lord. Amen!
As we’ve embarked on this journey, we rely on a team of people. There are our partners that are praying for us and supporting us financially. There are people who help us accomplish various things in getting us ready to go. There are the people we can help and minister to along the way.
We’re looking forward to joining the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) team at New Tribes main support center in Papua New Guinea.

In Papua New Guinea, we’ll get to join Tim Fenton, the programmer who is sitting in the chair, from left to right is Norbert Hübner, hardware engineer, network, and servers; Jake Kerr, helpdesk; and Bonn, our hardware technician.
Please pray for this group. It’s a lot of work to keep the systems running and working! This group keeps the missionaries connected and gives them the I.T. infrastructure that is needed.