We now have 2 full days left in Papua New Guinea before we head for a short home assignment back “home” in the U.S. And it’s exciting!*
Wait, is that home? For 37 years, I called the Great Lakes area home. That’s changed now, not just across town or to a neighboring state, but to the literal opposite side of the globe. When I come to the house here in PNG, my kids say “Dad’s home!” Which begs the question, is Papua New Guinea home now? It’s not my home culture, it’s not my first language, and try as I might I don’t blend in here.***
Please pray for us as we travel and as our family grapples with this concept of “home.” Ultimately, our home is in Heaven with our Savior! We are here to serve Him, wherever that may be.
For His glory!
*Exciting in the “Yay we get to see family again!” way, not the “Yay, we get to pack every thing up like we’re moving away!” way.**
**Yes, when we come back to the states for more than a couple of weeks, we pack up our earthly possessions and put them into storage while we’re gone.
***It’s the white skin and the height…we kinda stand out walking among a sea of generally shorter, dark-skinned people.