Here is a quick recap of my last four weeks.
Four weeks ago I was in Oregon & packing to head to Florida!
Three weeks ago I was in Florida!
Two weeks ago I was attending an amazing Seminar in Florida at the NTM Home Office – “Sharpening Your Inter-Personal Skills”. It was a great seminar and will greatly help us with our friendship, our co-workers & teammates, & also in the future with anyone we come in contact with! I normally hate attending seminars/workshops, but this was very good because it had a great amount of interaction with each other, and there was no boring lectures! Following the seminar I was able to spend some more time with Amy & her family, and we even got to go to the Gulf of Mexico side of Florida! Life was busy & exciting in Florida! And I even saw my alligator!! He/she was around 10-12 feet and I could have reached out & touched him!
One week ago I was in Louisiana. I came to Louisiana with the big purpose of sharing at my cousin’s church in Erwinville, Louisiana. I was able to share with their church on Sunday (9/6) for about an hour! It was a great time & I came away totally encouraged by this church and their desire to see God’s name reach people all around the world! I’ve been able to stay with my Aunt Rosie, and I have seen almost all of my cousins that live in Louisiana. We even took a trip to Mississippi to visit with my cousin & her family. Now I am helping my aunt pack for our trip to Oregon on Saturday!
My Aunt & I will flew home to Oregon on Saturday. Then Sunday I plan to 56will drive her to my grandma’s house and she will spend about 2-3 weeks with her, while I will only stay until Wednesday. And that is all of my traveling (I think) for just a little bit. My next big travel plans should be to Mexico!!!
When I get back home to Oregon the next big plans are: continue to raise my prayer & financial support, prepare for a yard sale, & pack my things for Mexico. Currently my financial support level has reached 41% ($1299 out of $3152)!! Amy & I have been trying to plan for a leave date to head to Mexico, and while we would like for it to be October, we are really going to have to wait until our support level reaches 60% ($1900). And then we will be able to plan on heading down to Mexico!
Please continue to pray for us as we seek to do God’s will in our lives. Also as we are getting closer to heading to Mexico, and for our families as we will soon be leaving them. And also praise God with us as He continues to prepare the way for us to head to Mexico!
Patiently waiting on the Lord,
Crystal Pierce
en route to Mexico with
New Tribes Mission
P.S. You can also check out my website – it has now turned into a blog & it looks pretty good! And Amy’s is .