We don’t think much of going out after dark. We leave secure homes with brightly lit surroundings and elaborate security systems. We secure those secure homes with secure locks and signs warning would-be-intruders they’d better think twice before they consider breaking and entering.
We drive safe cars with backup cameras and monitoring devices.
We use GPS enabled smart phones to locate where we are or where we are going. …And police and emergency services are available to us at the press of a button. Security… we’re driven by it yet many have never secured the eternity of their soul.
There are people living in rural settings, some more remote than others who never will hear the gospel. For them, life is survival –to get enough food for another day, to withstand unpredictable natural disaster and no warnings of impeding danger. They live in fear –in the unknown with no hope of tomorrow.
Ethnos360 is moving more trained personnel into such regions of the world… not to secure their boundaries, not to create safe homes or provide commodities of protection, but to secure a far more valued possession; the safe haven of salvation in Jesus.
Missionaries spend 2-5 years getting acquainted with and learning the language and culture of such peoples. They explore their world view in understanding how they think, and why they act as they do. And then they get the pleasure of unpacking God’s word in a systematic way of teaching the story of God.
Are there things wrong in the structure of cultures? Probably, possibly. But rather than attacking strange beliefs or error of thinking, our teams are equipped to lay out elements of truth that draw the hearer to compare what they are hearing with their ancestral beliefs. And in most every instance truth prevails. They are drawn to a holy God who shows mercy in judgement of sin and they readily embrace the gift of grace as told in the gospel story. …And that provides a security for eternity they never dreamed possible.
Joyce and I continue this effort of mobilizing harvest laborers among Christians from a variety of career backgrounds. We are looking for those who are willing to endure a little hardship and a few discomforts for the sake of lost souls becoming redeemed lives and changed forever by the gospel. These laborers are sitting in our pews, in our high schools and colleges, in the workplace, and even among young children who one day will step to the plate and finish the job. These are the ones for whom we pray as God touches their hearts to serve.
Your ongoing gifts and prayers enable us to send more young people –families, individuals, and couples to our training centers to be equipped for such work. We counsel and mentor those desiring to join in this work. Just as we share a part in the preparation of the next generation of workers, you also play a vital role thru your partnership with us. We want each of you to know that we value that deeply. Thanks for joining with us in this effort… an effort to secure the eternal destiny of worshippers who one day will surround God’s Throne in adoration and praise.
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