Happy New Year! We hope you’re all having a wonderful new year so far. We’re thankful for the family time we were able to have over Christmas and New Year’s. DJ and Tyndale also made a trip to north Texas to visit DJ’s sister and her family shortly after Christmas. While there, they were able to help our niece and her husband to load a moving van with some things to take up to Missouri where they live. On the way home, they went fishing on Lake Texoma and brought home 15 pounds of fish for the freezer.

Tyndale is back in school for his second semester of his junior year now. Soon he’ll be busy with track meets and FFA competitions. Areli is back in college for her second semester of nursing school. She still loves it. The winter cold fronts have been making Galilee’s migraines more frequent. Thanks so much for your prayers for all of our children. They are greatly appreciated.

We recently had several weeks of cold winter weather, as I’m sure many of you in other parts of the United States did as well. We even had one morning that was 10 degrees! For our part of Southwest Texas, that’s pretty extreme. But it is still Southwest Texas, which means that bushes are starting to bud and early spring is only a few weeks away. We’re hoping there won’t be any more extremely hard freezes to affect the spring blooms

DJ has been able to settle into a routine and become pretty familiar with all his responsibilities in managing our organization’s home office network by this point. The IT team has recently been able to add some members, which is an answer to prayer.

Next week Jennifer will be sending out assignments for some language evaluations which are planned for early March. Three people will be evaluated to see what level they have reached in learning a remote language in the part of the world where we used to serve. Pray that the evaluations will be helpful and encouraging.

Thanks so much for all of your prayers and support. We appreciate all of you. God bless you.
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