In the fourth instalment of the rotating labs we teach the students how to program their solar electric system. Program, what do you mean program? Yes, I did mention in early posts that we keep our systems as “plug and play” as possible, but with all the different battery technology that is out there, we need to match our charge controllers (what controls the charge coming in from the batteries) and our battery charger/inverter (what we use to charge our batteries as a “back up” just incase there is a lot of cloudy weather or high usage) to our batteries.
When some hear the word “program” they get scared, but with the system we use and the modified manual that we use it is not hard at all. These devices have a lot of features that we would not use, so we shrunk the manual down to what we use in an off grid location. The students get to come in and step through the modified manual and get the chance to “push buttons” and set up the system to their choice of batteries. Currently we have four different types of batteries that are recommended, so there will be slight differences in how each one is programed. Once they complete this lab, they are more at ease and even though there may still be some apprehension, the students say “I can do this, with the manual of course”.
What an awesome God we serve ! Praying for each aspect that is involved. Please keep us updated on all that is going on. Praying for you. John:16:33 Blessings, in Christ, Clyde.
Interesting work you do, Ernest…. Blessings on your students and their dream of following the call of Christ – Come Follow me.
Yes it is. To live in these remote locations take a lot of time and effort. We provide training and equipment so that the time to survive in these remote locations is minimal. So that more time can be used in getting the Gospel out. Thank you for Praying!
good stuff. thanks for update!
With the Blog I can incorporate more pictures of what is going on. A regular news letter is still on its way but I pray that with more pictures it will help people understand how we help over 100 mission organizations live in off grid locations. The more time we can save them from just trying to survive is more time they can use in getting the gospel out.