From Aria to Lamogai
Our trip into Aria and Lamogai went from remote to developed; from crocodile infested rivers to the highway west under construction. Onze reis naar Aria en Lamogai ging van geïsoleerd naar ontwikkeld; vanuit de met krokodillen bewoonde rivieren naar de in aanbouw zijnde grote weg naar het westen. Lamogai and Aria leaders showed the […]
Doroti and her mom are living not far from here, together with her brother and more uncles, aunts and their families. Doroti en haar moeder wonen hier vlakbij, samen met haar broer, ooms en tantes met hun gezinnen. She is a physically and mentally disabled girl of about 12 years old; not able to speak, […]
Teacher Training
An overview of the teacher training we were able to have last month for the people of the Maleu language group. Een overzicht van de onderwijzers-training die wij afgelopen maand mochten houden in de Maleu taalgroep. Together with western and Papua co-workers we traveled by car and later with a boat to the west point […]