The great western road trip was AWESOME! Between the privilege of seeing, from the ground, the incredible country we’re privileged to live in and all of the people we were able to connect with we were really encouraged. After the trip west, in which we drove from central Florida to central California and back, we settled into a really busy month of July. Family visiting, an increasing number of medical appointments and new ministry opportunities have us running at full-speed this summer. I sure am glad we could, all six of us, squeeze into our van and rest for three weeks on the road like we did ????.

Jack: It’s not that at the moment, he’s doing so poorly, but after returning home from camp, he’ll face a full plate of tests and a radical diet change as we continue to search for ways to help him have a better quality of life. We SO value your prayer support for wisdom as we seek out how to best help him. He has not-so-mild IBS and a primary immune deficiency. Just try to imagine what your 8th-grade year was like but add a constantly present physical malady on top of it plus an immune system that is literally missing a piece of itself!