Alot happened in our lives last year. We lost Bethany’s Mom, Lynn, after also losing our family dog, we had to change our kids from a school to being homeschooled AND we went through a challenging transition away from the ministry team, Equip Asia, that we had been a part of for the past 3 years. And that all took place against the background of settling Bethany’s Mom into an Assisted Living Facility while fighting with Medicaid and the state to cover those costs and ending up having to completely pay those costs for ourselves. Whew. You might need to see a counselor yourself after reading that. We certainly did.
Since then, “then” being November of 2023, we were able to rest…to a degree, seek the Lord’s counsel and grace, learn more about ourselves and how to begin to process all of that and spend some time just being a family. It was mostly good. But it also involved some hard work. More about that in the future.
What’s Going Right Now?
Joel has been able to get back into the “Studio” the Global Partners Media Center and has resumed a normal work rhythm and is enjoying the work. It’s been good for him to have some productive weeks after so much up and down over the course of 2023. He’s been able to help a number of teams on media projects (recording and editing videos, courses, and live streaming in-person events) that are serving missionaries throughout almost all of the nations that our Global Partners serve in.
Finally, this isn’t just a catchup, it’s also a look ahead. We’re serious about finding fits for both Bethany and I in ministry and are taking a trip, starting tomorrow. It’s an exploration of some possible new opportunities that would offer the chance for BOTH Bethany and Joel to use our gifts and experiences. We don’t know what will come of it but we feel the freedom to explore. We’d love your prayers to clearly see God’s leading and for great health on the trip (Bethany’s sick with a cold as I type this) and for snow! That last part hints a little at where. 🌨️
We are GRATEFUL for you and don’t take your support for granted.

PS. This guy started college courses this past month! Our 19 year old continues to amaze, tire, and inspire us.