Just a quick update for you all today: Amy and I have been prepping for Mt. Spokane Church’s missions conference this weekend, where we have the privilege of being the main speakers! It’s been a lot of work, and we’re excited to see what God does here. Our weekend schedule:
- Friday (6:45pm): Tonight’s evening session is basically a mini-conference, covering most of the other sessions’ material in one event. Our time will formally conclude around 8:30, with an informal 20 minute Q&A session to follow.
- Saturday (8:30am): Our breakfast session for those who’ve signed up (coffee actually starts at 8:00!), during which we will hear from Mt. Spokane’s other missionaries in attendance. The session to follow will focus on a lack of access to the Gospel for many in the world today, and introduce the role Amy and I are to play in changing that lack!
- Sunday (10:00am): The Adult Sunday school will examine the typical lifestyle of people groups unreached by the Gospel, and conclude with an opportunity for Q&A.
- Sunday (8:30am & 11:00am): Both of Mt. Spokane’s regular Sunday services will include sections on access to the Gospel and the Husband family, and will feature Pastor Rob teaching on every believer’s role in the Great Commission.
Amy and I hope to see you there this weekend, if you’re in the Spokane area! Please pray for us, but even more for those who attend: that God will make clear the part we all play in telling others of Jesus, and all He has done for us. Thanks so much!