With two weeks of construction behind us, things look really good out here in Las Moras. The walls are basically done – on Monday morning, we’ll place the final lintel… and expect the final four rows of adobes on the west wall to be in place by midday.
Next week, the adobe foremen will continue constructing a shed and outhouse – the first of which was not even on our radar for this time when we arrived! As time permits, we will also have the Nahuatl workers progress on building retaining wall, burying a cistern, and emptying the house of the remaining adobe bricks.
At this point, Don and I expect to return to Mazatlán a few days earlier than originally expected (which was Sunday the 24th). Whatever secondary work remains undone, we will continue via Nahuatl workers alongside the outside teams which are coming soon to help. Coming down early will allow a few extra days for a mechanic in Mazatlán to work on my truck, which has developed a couple issues (transfer case and alarm/electrical affecting the starter… we think!).
Until we do leave, those daily build photos will – internet connection allowing! – still go up near midday on our house construction status page.
Quick Notes & Things I’ve Been Reading:
- Not much sounds less fun than having someone come alongside you and correct or rebuke you… but guess what? We all need that. Church discipline seems hard and painful, but in reality is an amazing tool God uses to remind us of truths we’ve forgotten: [J.A. Medders: The Time I Went Under Church Discipline]
- Old Testament prophecy which has already been fulfilled remains an amazing testimony to God’s power, planning, and faithfulness. Consider how the 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel points so precisely to Jesus as the God’s Promised Redeemer: [Cold-Case Christianity: Perhaps the Greatest Old Testament Prophecy of All]
- The Nahuatl are an ‘animistic’ people group… but, what exactly does that mean? Check out part one of a conversation between three Ethnos360 leaders on what animism tends to look like, and how it can impact Western culture today: [AccessTruth: The Conversation – Animism (Part 1)]
- Do you need one of our 2018 prayer cards? Would you like to receive email notification of these updates? Please let me know; we will be happy to arrange either of those things!
Thank God with us!
- That the adobe part of house construction has almost been completed!
- That God continues to sustain us – both Don and I, and the guys we’re working with out here! – through some pretty challenging and arduous physical labor.
- For the privilege of interacting with and (hopefully) encouraging believers here… whether with work mid-week, playing worship music on Sunday, or interacting with them at any point we run into one another.
Ways you can pray:
- For final tasks in this sub-phase of construction which remain ahead of us this week – that we finish them well!
- That God continue to sustain Don and I and both of our families; there still remains significant time apart until we see one another again.
- For boldness among the Nahuatl believers, who face opposition and stigmatization within their community when coming together with other believers.
Doug Malby says
looking forward to being there the end of April. I am ready to frame some walls.
Jordan Husband says
Excellent, brother – looking forward to having you out there! We’ll have some fun. =)
Ronald Schwab says
Please know that you and your dear family are not forgotten, but on the contrary, being brought before the Throne of Grace daily. Your testimony of faithfulness is a lighthouse to those who are watching and weary. Thank you for that.
Ron Schwab
Jordan Husband says
Thanks for that encouragement, Ron! We need that prayer, and are so grateful for faithful brothers and sisters who continue watching, interceding, and encouraging.