Our family always looks forward to Ethnos México’s biannual field conferences. The kids love laid back time with friends right after the school year ends, alternating between VBS-style classes and time poolside in the summer heat. For Amy and I, the short week is a rare, precious chance for fellowship with our far-flung coworkers in Mexico. The field’s missionaries get to learn how each church planting and support ministry is going, reconnect with old friends while meeting new ones, build field unity, and encourage one another in all the Lord is doing. This year we greatly rejoiced to see God open doors for new church planting works in southern Mexico, and thanked Him for easing security tensions in the mountains – allowing the Nahuatl team to return Las Moras before rainy season.
The 2024 conferences were particularly busy for Amy and I, as we hosted an 18-person childcare team from Peaceful Valley Church. Logistically speaking, the preparation was intense – we truly needed the help God provided through two couples in particular: Mark and Annette Enters, and Josh and Taylor Greenslade. Everyone’s hard work paid off, and when conference arrived the details came together practically without a hitch. We kept busy during the actual conferences, continually praising God for His provision of all we needed. In the end, Amy and I heard several encouraging testimonies of how the PVC team had blessed the field – both in their effective, God-honoring “we’ve come to serve!” attitude, and in their specific impact on the lives of the kids to whom they ministered. We are all excited to potentially team up at another future conference… though we don’t mind resting for a year or three before restarting the planning process!
Once the Peaceful Valley team made it home and we wrapped up a few post-conference projects, our family was indeed able to head Stateside for the summer. Though health and homeschool goals featured more prominently than is typical, we enjoyed seeing many of you at several of our partner churches during June and July. We kept quite busy with visits and ministry planning, yet – in comparison with the start of the year – also felt like we had a good chance to catch our breath.
Our family’s diverse health concerns remain challenging, and we continue to ask for particular prayer in this area. The boys’ average pain levels escalated rather than abating as we transitioned into summer, despite a treatment plan designed to eliminate dietary complications. They are doing somewhat better now – Joel even more than Titus – but the lack of hoped-for results is quite disappointing. We are working on getting the boys established with one of a few promising doctors in El Paso, and hope to explore new angles with their help in coming months.
Summer is coming to a close, and with it our time Stateside also ends for now. We have already begun making our way back to Chihuahua, requesting initial appointments for our boys with new doctors, and preparing for next week’s start of a new scholastic year. Though it is always difficult to say goodbye to friends and family in the States, we look forward to reconnecting with our ministry teams in Chihuahua – God has richly blessed us with a community of coworkers whose lives clearly reflect Him, and it is a privilege to serve Him alongside such faithful friends!
As we return to Mexico, we are excited to plug back in to the ministries God has for us there. By year’s end, I hope to complete several major milestones on a large IT development project – while also wrapping up the majority of my training as a language/culture consultant. At the same time, Amy and I will work to set several things in motion for the future, Lord willing: finding a formal Spanish teaching opportunity to grow my language and culture abilities, planning a springtime trip to Las Moras to encourage the Nahuatl church and team, and evaluating potential future ministry roles. May God be glorified as we seek His will for these things – our time and strength are gifts from Him, and our desire is to steward these things well in His service. We treasure this rare and extraordinary privilege He has graciously given: to be a part of His plan to glorify His Name among Mexico’s unreached!
For Prayer:
- Thank God with us for the opportunity to see Mexico’s unreached people groups hear the Gospel, and together with you participate in His ministry to that end. Please keep them all in prayer: those our field is now working to reach, those we hope to engage soon, those among whom we cannot yet proclaim Christ, and those who have rejected His Word for a time.
- We are grateful that family health challenges do not prevent us from serving the Lord here, and ask for His grace to continue joyfully in these circumstances so long as He permits them. May His will in these things be accomplished, and may He bring full healing in the ways He knows we need.
- God knows our need for wisdom in His service, and we depend upon His faithful promise to provide it. Please pray that we depend fully on Jesus, occupied far more with Him than any aspect of the ministries He works out through us. Pray that He guide our plans for future service here in Mexico, and use us as He sees fit.
- Despite inflation, ministry change, and unexpected expenses… God continues meeting our family’s needs. Thank Him with us for His faithful provision, both in years past and in the years to come. Our monthly support is currently at 78% of the field-recommended level, and reaching 100% would make a great difference in what we can do here – so we do ask for prayer for growth here. Information on financial partnership with us is available on this blog, and by contacting us directly.
- Please continue interceding for the work among the Nahuatl, who in particular remain close to our hearts. Pray for the believers, the team, the community… and that God be greatly praised among them all.
Donna Busha says
What wonderful news of God’s leading and fulfillment with your family and His kingdom. Thankful for your many ministry connections and loving family time during the Summer. Praying for God opportunities to witness to many in your travels and fir the specific Healthcare appointments you need to bring healing to family needs. Praying also for your support needs to increase to 100%. Specifically happy for your joyous reunion with family, all 50 of you, and new memories planted in your hearts to remember.
Jordan Husband says
Thank you so much for your faithful intercession, Donna… it’s a great encouragement!
Sharon Guldjord says
Praying and trusting God with each of you as you minister for Him in Mexico. Praying for the boys and an answer and cure for their illness. Also praying for the children as they
begin school this year. It was so good to
See you all here this summer! Memories were made and joys had by all 50 of us! Remember that God is on His throne and rules us the way we should go. Follow Him and be blessed!!
Love you and Like you,
Grammie/ GiGi
Jordan Husband says
Love you always, Gram. <3
TK & Elizabeth Mac says
Thank you for your update Jordan & Amy!
We are thankful along with you, for the answered prayers and blessings.
We will pray as you have asked,
Trusting God to provide all that is needed!
In Christ,
TK & Beth
Jordan Husband says
Thank you both so much… we appreciate you!