An apple a day!
We are packed and ready to return to the village! In our boxes of supplies are enough apples for us to have one a day until we get our next supply shipment. That’s what the diet list said! We’re allowed one apple a day! Praise the Lord, Laura is feeling MUCH better!
We remember the days when an apple cost a dollar and it was a luxury. We would carefully cut it in fourths, a piece for each of us. These days, however, apples are no longer that expensive here so we’ll enjoy them.
We have to wonder though, how many people around the world don’t know what an apple is and if they did, could they afford one! Much more than that, there are many in this world who have never heard the name of Christ! The gift He brings was costly to HIM but is FREE to ALL mankind! Scripture says, “Whosoever believes in Him…” What awesome truth!
Thank you for praying for us as we get back into our routine. Please be praying for the following:
- For that precious cargo, the Higaunon New Testaments to arrive safely.
- For the Higaunon as they plan a thanksgiving celebration for their New Testaments.
- For Lance as he works on Psalms
- For Laborers, amongst the Higaunon and around the world!
Thank you to those who pray, thank you to those who give, thanks to each of you for your part in this ministry.
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