We are heading to the US
Thank you for praying for us and for the flight program we mentioned in our last email. Please continue to pray for that.
We are ready to leave on Friday morning for the first leg of our journey to the US for our “home assignment.” (furlough)
We’ve had a few days here in Manila and have gotten all the things done we wanted to do. Thank you for praying for us over these past couple of weeks since we left the village!
Last week we had a couple days to do some fun, touristy-type stuff in Davao City. You can check out our photos on facebook, just click here.
Our daughter Nicole has had some strong contractions already and her doctor put her on magnesium to get the contractions to stop. We’re praying that the baby will stay safe in her womb until we can be there to take care of Olivia & Jacob! Thanks for praying with us for them.
Please pray with us for safe travels and also for wisdom in getting a vehicle when we arrive in Florida. We hope to head north to NY State on the 8th of March, the Lord willing.
We left a cell phone with the Higaunon so we can call them from time to time; that is, WHEN they are in cell phone range! (which isn’t too often) We have talked with them a few times since we left. They specifically mentioned on the phone for us to pass on their greetings to you, their brothers and sisters in the Lord around the world.
Thank you for partnering with us in the ministry to the Higaunon people.
Secure in Christ’s Love,
Lance & Laura
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