August 31 – 2012
If you’re following us on Facebook then you know that over the past ten days, Laura has been ill. For those of you not on Facebook, we give this short report to let you know what’s going on. Ten days ago Laura started feeling sick to her stomach and then other symptoms started that caused us some concern. After a week we decided to see our doctor. At the doctor’s office her blood pressure was too high. He prescribed medication to see if that would help and then got her an appointment with a cardiologist who in turn scheduled her for a stress test. Laura had her stress test today as well as a number of blood tests – now we await results. The interesting thing was her blood pressure was high before the test and normal right at the end getting her heart rate up to 180! We are glad we are here in the US where we can see the doctors and hopefully find some answers.
- Thank you for praying for us.
- PS – THIS JUST IN – phone call from the cardiologist said her heart was “perfect!” YEAH!
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