Sansuwà (a.k.a. Chris since that is easier for you to pronounce) was a son of the witch doctor. He had joined the rebel movement as a young man and was living with his wife near her parents and under the influence of the rebels. In late 1983 he moved back to his home village and listened to the teaching of God’s Word. This is his testimony that he wanted us to share with you.
When the gospel arrived in our village, I had no clue about eternal life, let alone that it was from Almighty God.
I was married in a place called Buk which isn’t too far away from a major city here and it was at that time that Ron and Lance began their ministry here in the mountains.
Monsing was one of Ron’s first disciples. He was the first one that Ron worked with, teaching him how to teach the people here in our village. After a while, Monsing sent word for me to return home because if I didn’t come home, he said I’d miss out on the message of eternal life; I thought that I would get left behind and I didn’t want that to happen.
So when I heard about that, I came straight back my home village. I was afraid to be left behind because our belief was that if we did not follow the panoos, (the religious mandates) then we would not live forever.
There was about a year between when I got married and when the missionaries arrived. After I returned home I began to listen to the teaching but I had no idea that I could actually live forever. It was like a dream because it didn’t even come to my mind that that I would suffer when I died. I had been led to believe that one feels nothing after they die. My thinking was like an animal because I didn’t know to have any fear of God. The only thing I thought was that it would be nice to have eternal life but it wasn’t something that I thought about all the time. The truth is, I was looking for eternal life but I wasn’t looking for it wholeheartedly.
Also back then, the thing I thought about most was to make friends with people who would ask me for alcohol to drink because I had a way to get alcohol. But apart from that, I had no concern for my friends. When we are outside of the kingdom of God it is like our thoughts are blocked by darkness and we don’t recognize the meaning of the Word of God.
As I listened to the teaching of God’s word it was like I was in a dream and I really had no mind to listen to what was being taught. But after a while, my mind slowly opened up to the stories and then what got my attention was when I heard about the rich man who died and was thrown into Sheol (see the picture above) where he suffered greatly.
My mind continued to open up and I came to understand the good news that Jesus Christ paid for all my sins. I was so happy and thankful that I knew that I would go to heaven when I died. I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was saved and I loved talking about the Word of God.

If you aren’t t saved, I testify and am convinced that you don’t understand God’s message because you don’t have the ability to remove the darkness from your mind. And then you just stop trying because you really have no desire to listen. That’s what happens when faith isn’t real.
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