2 Corinthians 5:21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
Resurrection Day: What a wonderful thing it is that God became flesh, died in our place so we wouldn’t have to, rose from the dead and ascended on high making intercession for us at the right hand of God the Father. It’s that message that we take with us wherever we go. And it’s because of that message that we do what we do. A blessed Resurrection Day to you all as you meditate on this wonderful truth.
In Review: In our last update we shared with you about grandkids, translation, birthday celebrations and travel. Owen has been so excited about his birthday! He can’t wait to turn 8 tomorrow!
Our travels this month took us to San Angelo where we had a wonderful time at College Hills Baptist Church. We saw some long time friends and made some new ones. Thank you for praying for these things
Please Pray: This Wednesday we are scheduled to head to Dallas to be near the airport for our flight early Thursday morning. Please pray that everything will go smoothly in getting to Dallas, to the airport the next morning and then on our flight to Manila.
Please Pray: The first thing on our schedule is getting ready for the SYIS workshop April 15-20. These workshops are a great time of learning. Please continue to pray that we and the participants will all learn the things God has for us. After the workshop we will head to our island to get ready to head into the village sometime before the end of the month.
Please Pray: God willing we will have internet set up and working in the village. Our co-workers (Ron and Michelle) are in Australia but we should be spending several weeks with them before we leave for the US August 23. We plan to do the initial checking of all that I have ready of 1 and 2 Chronicles. We also hope to get a lot done with the history that we’ve been working on for the Higaunon church.
Thank you: Finally, thanks to each of you who pray so faithfully and give towards this ministry. We appreciate each one of you!
Secure in Christ’s love,
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