Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:20-21 (NKJV)
Travel: Thank you for praying for our travel to the Philippines. We had a good flight with smooth connections. One thing we expected when we arrived was to step out of the airport in Manila into the heat of summer! We were pleasantly surprised to feel a somewhat cool and refreshing breeze!
SYIS: We spent a few days fighting jet lag and then got right into preparing for the SYIS workshop. Thank you so much for praying for us in this. The week went very well! We had twenty participants who were a really sharp group. The lead facilitator came from the US; there were supposed to be four of us, but one had to bow out at the last minute. This put an extra load on us but you were praying, and God is faithful. He gave us the strength to do what needed to be done.
Into the village: The above verses from Hebrews 13 were the verses with which we ended our workshop, and it’s a passage that speaks to our hearts as we look forward to the rest of our time in the Philippines. This Monday we are scheduled to head into the village. We would have been there by now but we postponed it by a few days because there’s no internet connection available until May 1st and we didn’t want to be in there too long without any form of communication.
Please pray for the following:
- That the internet will be on when it’s scheduled to be on.
- That it won’t take too long for us to get our house cleaned before we get settled back into village life.
- That we’ll make good progress in our translation work and the other things we have planned to do while we’re there.
We are scheduled to be in the village for just a month before we attend our mission conference. What we’re hoping and praying for is that we can attend our conference in conjunction with a trip to meet our new grandson when our daughter and son in law go pick him up. Please pray that all this will work out in God’s timing, according to His will. We will then return to the village to finish out our time here in August.
Thank you: We arrived in the country three weeks ago this evening. Time has flown by so quickly! If that is any indication of our time here, it won’t be long and we’ll be writing about our time here and looking forward to our trip back to the US. Thank you so much for your partnership with us in prayer and finances.
Secure in Christ’s love,
Lance and Laura
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