John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
Caught off guard?: Do you sometimes get discouraged and things just seem to overwhelm you? I felt like that the other day. But God has reminded me through His word, His Holy Spirit and some devotionals that though we don’t know what will happen in our lives or the lives of those we love, GOD always has known, nothing catches Him off guard or by surprise. We can rest in His goodness and grace, knowing HE is in control.
Translation: In our last update, the final comprehension checking of 1 Kings was about to begin. Praise the Lord, that was finished last week and 2nd Kings is now well underway! Thank you for praying for health, stamina, discernment and good understanding.
Sometimes it’s the simplest things that hold up getting a verse done; Yesterday it was where Naaman was saying how he thought Elisha would “stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, and wave his hand over the place…” (the wrong word was used in the verse) This is an unfamiliar action for the Higaunon so it took a while to find the right word. Lance demonstrated with Liyu by having him stand up in front of him and performing that action toward him – Liyu and Tadha discussed it for a while and finally came to a conclusion.
Report: We received an encouraging report from one of the Bible teachers in an outreach village. During a brief visit here, he told about how some of the insurgents in his area usually just get angry with Bible teachers, but recently they actually sat and listened to him for almost 6 hours as he shared truth from God’s word. They said they were impressed that he prayed that they would have LIFE. “Most pastors,” they said, “pray that we’ll die.” It reminds us of stories of others who turned from a useless ideology to trusting Jesus Christ as Savior. We pray these guys will have a hunger for the Truth.
Please pray for those who still need to know Him and for the safety of those proclaiming His word.
Thank you for your partnership. Your prayers and financial support are vital to this ministry among the Higaunon.
Secure in Christ’s love,
Laura and Lance
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