Dear Friends, Family, and Ministry Partners,
We have some bittersweet news to share with you. You may know that we have been serving with Ethnos360 as Associate members, which is a 2-4 year commitment of service. This summer marks our 4th year on staff at the Ethnos360 Training Center. We have prayed and sought the Lord over the last few months about what He has for our future. We prayed over entering into Career membership with Ethnos360 or whether God had us moving on to something different.
As we have considered our future, we do see God directing us into something else. We trust His leading in our lives, even when it will definitely bring some sad change! We love our ministries here and our amazing co-workers. It’s impossible to express how thankful we are for our term of service and all that it has taught us. We have been walking around campus taking some “final” walks, and it is a blessing to have so many sweet memories and even reminders of what God has done in our lives here.
We came here asking God to work through our gifts and talents for His purposes, and we are thankful that He saw fit to use us for His glory. We could never have moved here and served here without all of you who pray for us and support us. Thank you for the constant encouragement and partnership in our ministries here.
We trusted God when He laid this ministry on our hearts, and we saw Him provide for every need. In the same way, we are praying for that same trust and confidence as He moves us on.
We are still working out the details of what is next for us, but please be in touch with any questions you have! As we transition out of ministry with Ethnos360, our e-mail accounts will close in July. We will include other ways to contact us in our e-mail update. If you do not get those updates but want to stay in touch, for now you can still send an e-mail to our Ethnos360 accounts, and we will pass on our new contact info! We would be happy to share so that we can stay connected!
We just cannot say thank you enough to such a wonderful team of ministry partners who sent us here and cared for us well over the past four years. Praise God that He gave us a wonderful term of ministry. We look forward to seeing Him direct our next steps as well. He’s never failed, and we know He never will!
Please pray we can say our goodbyes well and that we can help our girls adjust to the changes coming up for us. This has been home for the majority of their young lives, so we know this will be a big change. Pray for their hearts, for comfort, for understanding, and that we can support them well as their parents.
Thank you again. Please stay in touch!
Allison Lucht says
I’m sorry to hear this, but boy! Do I understand!!! We all serve God, not any organization. So keep your eyes on Christ, live for Him, and your Lord will faithfully guide you to what is next. Blessings!!