We worked Papua New Guinea for many years. Now we work from Massachusetts to find more Christians in the USA to send as missionaries to tribes of people who do not know about Jesus.
New Tribes Mission missionaries are from more than 30 sending countries around the world and work in 34 different countries. See if you can find one of these countries on the map. Boliva, Brazil, Senegal, Mozambique, Thailand, Philippines or Papua New Guinea.
Where is Papua New Guinea?
Papua New Guinea is located across the Pacific Ocean southwest of Hawaii, south of both Japan and Guam and north of Australia. See Papua New Guinea here. –> https://goo.gl/maps/J2vV4pa1sRs
What do you do as missionaries?
Randy worked as a missionary bush pilot for many years, flying small airplanes into jungle airstrips to transport missionaries who were planting churches among remote tribes. Diana worked to keep track of the airplanes while they were flying.
Now we work to find people to train as missionaries. We travel to speak to Christians to find more people who are willing to be missionaries to tribes of people who do not know about Jesus. We set up displays and speak at colleges, universities, major air shows, churches, schools and Christian events to help Christians get involved with God’s plan to reach remote tribes with the Gospel. We help churches send their own people to Wayumi, Interface, New Tribes Bible Institutes and New Tribes Mission’s Missionary Training Center.
What is your favorite verse?
We have many favorite verses. Here is one.
2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
How can we pray for you?
Pray for people who are willing to work in God’s harvest of souls among the tribal people groups of the world. Pray for wisdom to know how to communicate God’s word to people and how to speak to them. Pray for provision and opportunities to share our vision and purpose with people who may respond to be missionaries. Pray God would help us Send 100. Then 100 more!
What do tribal church planting missionaries do to tell people about Jesus?
Missionaries often fly in small airplanes to get to remote places where the people live. Missionaries live in the tribe with the tribal people so that they can build relationships, learn their language, understand their culture, translate the Bible into the tribal language, prepare Bible lessons and teach them key stories from Genesis through to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sometimes they build tribal styles houses, eat strange food and do unusual work to earn the right to be heard. They may plant gardens with the local people or extract starch from sago trees. They may build airstrips in the jungle by digging out the roots of huge trees and filling the hole with dirt after the tree is gone. The may hike through dense jungle along steep mountain trails. They may go hunting in the jungle for wild pig or travel on the water in a dugout canoe to hunt crocodiles to eat.