Your prayers and gifts made an impact in many areas over the last two months
Mobilizing New Missionaries: We’re brainstorming with Wayumi about a short promo video for their summer Expedition adventure. Expedition moves the hearts of teens to see how their skills, their life can be used towards God’s purpose of the Great Commission.
Typhoon Haiyan Relief: Some people in the western Philippine islands were left with only the clothes on their back while the tidal surges washed everything else out to sea. NTM Aviation served thousands of people, who gratefully received tons of food and supplies. Through articles and features, our team raised funds for these people and for a start-up fund as a quick response to the next disaster.
Training New Missionaries: New Tribes Bible Institute is the first-step in training for Bible translators, church planters, and other missionary team members. We are finishing a short promo video for NTBI to mobilize more missionaries. The Waukesha campus is undergoing renovations, and I created a micro-website and homepage features for them. We are also editing a video for NTM Canada’s Connection Centre renovations.
National Flight Sponsorship: National believers among the Wana people have a heart to reach out, but they can’t afford flights to remote villages for outreach. With a story-arc in hand, Macon and Dale traveled to and from the Wana village in November bringing back videos to be organized and interviews to be transcribed. We’ll be telling the Wana story to raise funds for many national churches’ who need flights to support their outreach ministries.
Where does change come from?
James 3 talks about the tongue’s influence in directing the course of our lives. Chip Ingram posed the question: What do you observe coming out of your mouth? …It’s an indicator what’s in your heart. Sadly, I hear worrying that needs to go! Each new day is an opportunity to rest my concerns in God’s hands, renew my mind in the Word, trust His character, and live out of His resources. I pray that you too will experience the blessing of living out of God’s resources this year.
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