Dear Family & Friends,
I (Regina) remember getting the monochromatic tan shaded Ethnos360 calendar in high school, “Let them give glory to the LORD and declare His praise in the islands.” How cool to now be a part of this awesome ministry God is doing around the world.
We visited the Moi people for a video in 2009, and now the missionaries there are wrapping up their New Testament translation. They are now also helping other church planting teams, as consultants in the process of translation. They wrote about one couple in Asia-Pacific, “We were challenged by Paul and Bella’s example of endurance in serving there in a very hot environment, not to mention the intense 10-hour drive to this village.” I’m so thankful for the missionaries serving on the front lines and all of your prayers and support that help the team function well together to build the body of Christ.
Regina is exporting a video in a little corner of our home!
New ideas and everyday things
I’m excited also to explore some new ideas for the website. We have so many amazing stories in the archive about church planting, that need to be highlighted so people can get a big picture of what God is doing in the church plants.
These articles would become content people can dig deeper into. I’m hoping to be able to gather the ideas to our web developer soon to see if it will work out to feature various articles. We think it may be a great way to enhance the existing site without changing too much.
Scott has been faithfully doing the usual behind-the-scenes work, setting up new machines, checking docking stations for firmware updates, scheduling appointments with missionaries to assist in updating their emails, and helping with the phone system. They also added another test for the computer batteries to their checklist.
Thanks for praying for the email re-mediation project. It is almost complete!
Please pray for the IT team as they set up a new project to help people with a more secure way to login using multi-factor authentication.
Partners with you
For the unreached
For the undiscipled
To see a thriving church for every people,
Scott and Regina Rodman
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