On Aptirl 1st, we awoke to load the truck and say “good-bye” to our Agutaynen friends. As soon as the sun appeared over the coconut trees, so also appeared our first visitor to our gate. For three hours, the Lord encouraged our hearts by the many Agutaynens who came to say “good-bye”. Many tears were shed, both by us and by the Agutaynens. Our hearts rejoiced as we saw many Agutaynen believers. Our hearts were also burdened anew as we saw those who still haven’t trusted in Jesus yet. One of these Agutaynens is Tisi. She was the last one who came to say “good-bye”. Ginger had a wonderful time with her. Tisi has come to several of the Bible teachings, but so far has not expressed faith in Jesus. Please pray with us that Tisi will put her trust in Jesus alone. Thank you.
Our next stop will be Manila and then on to the States. We look forward to seeing you all soon.