After years of praying, months of meetings, and believers around the world giving, we almost have land in the village for the new home of Faith Bible Church.
Last month, the believers in the village selected a piece of land and approached the “owners” to see if they would like to sell. Within hours, the believers were enthusiastic with the news that, yes, the “owners” wanted to sell and the asking price was reasonable.
As you have noticed, the word owners is in quotes and this is where the fun begins. The owner, named on the title, died 20 years ago. As a result, the land can only be sold, the deceased’s wife and all the children of the deceased sign the deed of sale. The deceased owner has 7 children. So, we need the signatures of the wife and all seven children. This is where the fun gets exciting. One of the children is deceased also. So, in his place, all four of his children (the grandchildren of the owner of the land) need to sign the deed of sale. So, all-in-all, we need 11 signatures from 11 people who are scattered throughout the Philippine islands.

Thankfully, last Thursday, the wife of the deceased owner, the six living children, and one grandchild all met with Stephen and two believers at the lawyer’s office. The papers were prepared and they all signed. We almost have all the signatures. We almost have the land. However, before the papers can be filed and the title transferred over, we still need the signatures of three more grandchildren. Unfortunately, these three grandchildren live on different islands of the Philippines. Thankfully, one of the children is communicating with them and hopefully the grandchildren will come over around Christmas to sign the papers.
We praise the Lord, for His provision of this land and we pray for the completion of this transaction.

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