Our family trip to Washington D.C. was full of W’s: War Memorials; Washington Monument; White House; Washington’s Bible; Wonderful Lemonade on the Plaza; Walking our feet off; Wishing for more time. All in all this was a wonderful family vacation. This was the first time our kids have visited Washington D.C. and we hope this year to do more first-time experiences. Where does your family go? What do you do every year that you think our family should try as a first?

Now we are off to Washington State. However, we won’t be “on the road again” but “in the air again”. This needs to be a very quick trip, so we will be flying out to Seattle. We will be visiting with three of our churches, seeing several of our individual supporters, and camping out with the Jordan clan on the Oregon Coast.
Once we return to Michigan, we will only have a few days to finish helping Rebekah get ready for college. She has already begun boxing up her things and separating them into “Going to college” and “Going to Grandma Watters”. Once our family returns to the Philippines, Grandpa and Grandma Watters’ home will also become Rebekah’s home during her college breaks. Please pray for her as she takes this next step in her life.

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