Thank you, Lord,
We are thankful this month with Americans, and were thankful last month with Canadians. ???? Actually, Martha and I are thankful every month for the privilege of serving the Lord, and THANKFUL for you who pray for us and give so that we can minister full time.
My mom told us at lunch the other day that she marveled at how I could sit at my desk hour after hour, translating. Then she remembered that she also did editing at the then-NTM Publications office for hours on end, for about 22 years after Dad passed away. And it is true that I do enjoy translating, but I also do very much covet your prayers for His inspiration in how to communicate clearly to French-as-a-second-language missionary candidates or co-workers.
Keep praying as I will soon be starting a translation of the Literacy Starter software (where I may need to learn a whole new set of French vocabulary), and, meanwhile, as I finish the 14 PowerPoint presentations on Literacy, with presenter notes. This will be one of the missionary training courses that will be taught to African missionaries who would like to communicate the Good News even to people groups who do not yet have a written language, nor the Word of God in their language. The written Word is only helpful if a person can read it, so teaching how to read is often an essential first step towards planting a new church.
◊ Praise the Lord with us …
- …for excitement, health, energy and provision so we can translate materials for training African missionaries, from our home here in Alabama;
- …for ministry partners (including you) around the globe who are helping reach some from every language & people group for Christ (Rev.5:9);
- …for the joy in caring for Mom Enns, who enjoys living with us & remains quite healthy, by His grace.
◊ Pray with us…
- …in the upcoming holidays, when we wish our married children (in N.Carolina, Idaho, & Ontario) lived next door.
- …for our teammates in Africa, who are training African believers in missions.
- …for inspiration as I translate mission resource material into French for Africa.
Your thankful missionaries,
Theo & Martha Enns
Serving with Ethnos Canada since 1978
“As part of the Church – serving the Church – to expand the Church”
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