You are probably tired of clichés about 20/20 vision, so let me simply say that we still want your prayers so that we will see clearly what God wants Martha and I to be doing for this coming year. No, we are not foreseeing any particular changes, not in our care for my mom, nor for our ministry with Ethnos Canada. We are still translating material into French for our Mission’s missionary training (called « Vision Intégrale » = in English: Comprehensive View) for African believers. These African candidates are being prepared to help reach the many people groups of Africa that still don’t have the Gospel in their own language.
In our November prayer letter, we mentioned the translation of tribal literacy development software. Lately I have been doing a final revision of a French PowerPoint presentation about the founding of our original NTM mission. Our founding leaders were constantly challenging us with the urgency of seeing all “tribes, tongues, peoples & nations” (Rev.5:9) reached before Christ returns for His completed Church. May we press on with that same urgency! (My 2020 verse is Acts 20:24).
Please note that we both have new phone numbers: 256-717-5675 for Theo; and 256-717-5533 for Martha. We also both prefer to use our newish “…” email addresses, seen below.
Praise God with us:
- for seeing us through these 42 years of full-time missionary work with NTM Canada (now Ethnos Canada), thus far;
- for my mom, who is basically healthy & will be turning 89 at the end of this month;
- for those people groups who now have the Bible in their own language for the 1st time; and…
- for the privilege of “looking for & hastening the coming day of the Lord” (2Peter 3:12).
Pray with us:
- for clarity & simplicity in translating material into French for FSL* missionary candidates;
- for right perspectives & priorities in our efforts to serve Africa from our home in Alabama; and…
- for God to raise up more laborers to reach the many language groups still without a Bible.
* FSL = French-as-a-Second-Language. Africans learn French in school, since they usually grow up learning their mother-tongue (or heart language) in their homes, as their “first” language. These African missionaries will need to then learn other unwritten languages, to be able to translate the Scriptures into those languages, too.
Anticipating His vision & enabling for 2020,
Theo & Martha Enns
60 Briarwood
AL 35986
ph: 256-717-5675 | |
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