“When you know your ‘why’ then your ‘what’ has more impact, because you’re working towards your purpose.” Michael Jr. After a night of fitful sleep interrupted by unfamiliar sounds and punctuated with excruciating leg cramps, the sunlight streamed in through the windows way too early that morning. It had taken us a grueling 15 hours […]
Somewhere, lost to history, is the first person to have uttered some semblance of the phrase “walk a mile in their shoes.” It’s a saying often used to foster empathy for others. We put ourselves in their position, trying to understand life from their perspective as we attempt to break down barriers of ignorance and […]
For almost 2 decades now when people find out I work in aviation, hands-down the most frequent question I get is, “Oh, so you’re a pilot?” The easiest response is to simply say, “No, I’m a mechanic.” That saves the time of explaining that I actually do hold my commercial, single-/multi-engine, & instrument ratings and […]
Earlier this week when Amy went in to our medical clinic for a planned check in with the doc, we found that her hemoglobin had dropped to the levels we saw just before heading to Australia last November when she received an intravenous iron infusion. Her numbers this week were equal to the lowest we’ve […]
Matthew 28:19 in GOD’S WORD Translation reads: “So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations…” There’s no limit to that command, no boundary or border we can cross that relieves us from the responsibility to carry it out…no, it says wherever. So, yeah, I’m “just” a mechanic, but missionary aviation is about more than […]
Speaking of his hope for the permanency of the (at the time) relatively new U.S. Constitution, Benjamin Franklin once wrote in a letter, “…in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” In much of today’s world change could easily be added to that list. Though we live and minister […]
As we prepare to start our language & culture training in just over a week (Mon, 8 Aug) we covet your prayers. More than just a practical tool to help us get around, we believe this is a critical part of being able to minister effectively in the area God is placing us. I’d say […]
We begin our final preparation for departure to Papua New Guinea by asking you to join us in prayer for our family, nuclear & extended. Together we’ll face unprecedented relational challenges. That is of course from our perspective, indeed there are many who have walked this same trail before and from whose example we take heart. […]
A mix of relief, excitement, and fear swept over me as our Director of Operations broke the news to us last week…13 May 2016 will be our last official day working/training here at the NTM Aviation headquarters in McNeal, AZ! RELIEF…They were words we’d been waiting to hear as we’d already begun looking ahead to […]