Over our time there in Thailand we took many different forms of transport. Some transportation that was not captured in photos included, a double-decker bus, bicycles, and other forms for taxis and buses.
The beginning of November Joel and I headed to Thailand. We were given the opportunity to participate in some meetings over there with representatives from all over the world. The opportunity for Joel and I was a huge blessing. It has been rare that we have been able to travel together to an event like […]
Next week Joel’s parents come back and we can’t wait! Four months without them makes us appreciate them even more. I know some think we are crazy, but we LOVE living together with them. This living set up is not for all, but through living together, I have come to appreciate the community living that […]
Our church tried something new this year and had a service completely run by our children. The goal was to show our kids that church is about them too and also to help remind the adults that our kids are growing in their walk with the Lord as well. As part of the Sunday School […]
The boys started school on September 1st. Summer sped by for them both with all the fun things we had going on this summer. So they were a little shocked when it was time again to get back to school. However they both had a great attitude about going to school. They both had new […]
We had a sports day with our church. It was a great day of fellowship hanging out with friends and having fun together. I just absolutely love being part of the Body of Christ.
Our next task was to welcome 2 new missionary women to our field. Welcoming people to the field is always a joy as there is a great need for more workers. There is, however, a lot that goes into welcoming new missionaries to our field… First of all we need to get housing ready, which […]
We got home from the workshop and had a few last precious days with my dad, before he began his journey home. We didn’t really have much time to dwell on that as we turned around and packed for our next trip. We had some veteran missionaries who were back for a few months, were […]